Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Everyone will notice.......but no one will know!"

Dr. Cockley is now offering Botox and Juvederm services to our patients who would like to improve their appearance or enhance their natural beauty.

As a dentist, Dr. Cockley has the main advantage of being able to administer anesthetic directly around the patient's mouth so the procedure is virtually pain free.  State laws for certification and administering these products do vary so check with your state for restrictions. Once certified, your doctor can easily add these services into your practice.

How does it work?

Botox works by reducing muscle activity that causes persistent wrinkles to form between the brows, along the forehead, and laugh lines or crows feet along the eyes. 

Juvederm works by bringing back your skin's volume and smoothing away wrinkles and folds. It is commonly used in the nasolabial folds and to plump lips. Patients will see instant results with Juvederm - who doesn't love that?

Though Botox and Juvederm can easily be done within your daily schedule, hosting a "Botox Party" for your patients can be a lot of fun.  There are several advantages of hosting a party - you don't have the sounds of the regular "hustle and bustle" going on in your office, you can create a very relaxing spa-like atmosphere, and patients can bring their friends.  If a patient brings a friend, they may be curious and watch their  procedure. The experience will help them to gain valuable information and they may consider Botox or Juvederm services for themselves in the future.  

"Botox Party" Ideas:

*Send invitations to patients, family, and friends
*Have light refreshments available
*Create a spa atmosphere with candles, flowers, and  soothing music
*Have ice packs and post-op instructions ready
*Dress up! Don't come in your scrubs
*Offer paraffin wax hand treatments to your patients in the reception area
*Have your staff members discuss procedures and answer any questions

*Have your patients fill out applicable consent forms
*Some of your staff should be available in the reception area to chat with your patients and make them feel comfortable while other patients are being seen
*Take before photos - have your patients come back 2-3 weeks later for after photos

Your patients aren't going to know that you are offering these services unless you make it known.  Begin the conversation by telling them about your doctor's latest certification in Botox and Juvederm. Ask your patients if they are interested in learning more, or if they know a friend or family member who is.  Your patients would be more inclined to come to your office to get these procedures done - remember to tell your patients that your doctor will be able to numb the area so they are totally comfortable. Your doctor should also perform these services on staff members - your face will advertise the results your patients may be looking for.

1 comment:

  1. People should be proud of using botox, not to hide it or to tell the doctor:"Please hide it somehow".

    When I had my first botox treatment I was so excited about it result that I told everyone how effective botox was in my case and how good I feel now that all my wrinkles are gone.

    Even now after my 6th treatment at Skin Vitality I am proud to tell my friends that I had another one with the same good result..


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