Monday, August 16, 2010

Dental Mission to Vietnam

A dental mission can bring people from different backgrounds together to support a great cause.
One of our mission sites-a school yard
Is your practice already "standing out"? Are you proud of the services you offer and do you have close relationships with your patients?  If the answer is yes - that's great!  But how often do we really take the time to step outside our office and experience the community that we're a part of? 

Or, think even bigger and participate in a dental mission with your co-workers.  A dental mission can bring people from different backgrounds together to support a great cause. 

Whether you decide to start in your local community, or go international, giving back will benefit you and the members of your team in many ways.  One benefit is simply team building.  As you work together with a central purpose, it will bring you closer together as a team.  It's one thing to be with each other during a typical work day, but team building outside of the office causes you to let your guard down and get to know the people you work with in new ways. 

Another benefit of giving back is the obvious effect your efforts will have on those who are less fortunate.  There are so many things in our lives that we daily take for granted, and serving others together, truly gives you a new perspective and out-look on life. It will make you appreciate what you have even more.

Get your patients involved!  Tell them what you're planning and let them see you being active in your community.  Let's face it - some of our patients only think of us in our sterile work environment.  Have you ever had the experience of seeing one of them at your local grocery store?  You recognize them, and politely wave and say with a smile, "Hi Mr. so and so!" And they don't even recognize you!  Our patients need to see that "human" side.  And if you're already great at doing that, then view this as another great opportunity to stand out from the '"average Joe" and let them see your passion come to life through your compassion for others.  If you're planning to travel, let your patients know.  Ask them for their support and show them how they can get involved through fundraisers.  They will love supporting you and will cheer you on!

Gina assisting with extractions
Nine months ago,  for sixteen days, we traveled to Vietnam for our first dental mission with Operation Smile.  Six months prior, we started planning our trip.  We knew it sounded ambitious and that we would need to raise a lot of money to get there, but everyone on our staff agreed that we had to do it.  We were scared, nervous, and worried, but most of all - excited!  And that's what made it all happen.  We were united as a team and driven with one goal - get to Vietnam and provide free dentistry to impoverished children.  Don't get me wrong - it was a lot of work.  But with the help and support of our patients, colleagues, friends, family, and local community, we made it happen.  And you can too! Are we suggesting that everyone should plan a trip like this? - Not necessarily. 

There are so many things in our lives that we daily take for granted, and serving others truly gives you a new perspective and out-look on life
Amber and Dr. Cockley providing restorative care 
But whether you start big or small, it all matters and it will all make a huge difference in some one's life.  In posts to come, we'll let you know exactly how we did it by sharing ideas for fundraisers and how to gain the support of your patients and your local community. 

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